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Dog Walking Helps Keep Your Dog Sane

Dog Walking Helps Keep Your Dog Sane
14 Jun

Dogs need exercise to stay fit and healthy and the easiest way for you to help them is to take them for a walk. If a dog cooped up inside all day they will not be able to burn-off their fat. It’s a dog’s natural instinct to walk; wild dogs walk for hours per day on a regular basis, it…

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Dog Poisons In Your Home?

Dog Poisons In Your Home?
14 May

There are many household items that are dangerous and poisonous to you dog. We know that you want to protect your dog from the hidden dangers that lurk around your home. Below are things that are poisonous to your dog, so keep them away from your dog or puppy to keep them safe. #1 Dog Poison – Antifreeze Antifreeze is…

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